This past weekend was Mother’s Day. Hornig Companies recognizes the difficulties that many of our residents and employees have faced during the past year of COVID and quarantine but would like to dedicate this blog to the many challenges of being a mom during a time that has tested our competence, ingenuity, patience, and strength. For many, it’s just been downright hard.
We gathered a collection, on the humorous side, of some of the things moms (and many non-moms) have learned, succeeded at (and failed at) this year.
“Dr. Google” is never a good idea
This year, a cough, headache, sore throat, fever, or any other allergy/cold/flu symptom may have been an indication of something more serious. They often meant quarantining for 14 days, multiple COVID tests, missed school, missed work, lots of fear, anxiety, and a potentially severe and scary illness. A cough is never just a cough anymore. Mom’s job became just that much harder.
Did you say quarantine? Like, stay in my house for a full 14 days…With my kids? …Don’t see anyone? …No running to the grocery store? …No Target? …No Home Depot?
We learned how to shop online… For almost everything!
If we didn’t know how to cook, we learned quickly!
Props to Moms that pulled out their creativity to make special memories for their kids when the birthday standard of sleepovers and pizza parties became far from reality.
The invention of the Drive-By “Birthday Parade”
Working from Home? Zoom meetings tested our flexibility and tech skills.
Who knew that toilet paper would be the new gold standard?
And sometimes a very meaningful random act of kindness. Check out a picture taken of one of Hornig Companies’ apartment building bulletin boards, circa Spring 2020.
Many moms have made well-thought-out, conscious choices to home school. You are amazing moms! This year, ALL moms had that choice made for them, with no notice, prep time, or choice in the matter. Though the lesson plans were taken care of by teachers, parents (and the moms we honor in this blog) began what we now know as Distance Learning, while still having to balance all of the other parenting and work expectations. Now if that isn’t tough, I don’t know what is!
We learned what distance learning meant
Some days that were a success in terms of the kids staying quiet while parents were working from home meant the neighbors may have thought we were a little ‘over the top’.
We encouraged extra creativity from our kids
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